The exam of #rict1920 in confinment

This is a video (just in Spanish I’m sorry), to talk about how I’ve converted the normal oral exam of my class into a different kind of exam in confinement.

With this, I want to share with you my decisions, motivations, expectations and how I have organized everything to do this exam; below the video you can find the complete exam details.


The final exam will be presented in a public online video with the following characteristics


The video will compulsorily include two parts:


(Maximum 10 minutes in total, 5 minutes of video for each answer, and each answer would have a maximum grading of 4 points)

Please answer the following questions:


Choose 3 aspects/elements of the Teaching Competence for a Digital World that you consider more relevant, and from each element, please explain and justify:

  • What does it mean?
  • Why this element is essential?
  • Two actions (what do you do?) with which you can develop this element of your competency, in your day to day as a teacher. Including what tools do you use for them, how those tools can be used by teachers and/or students, and how this would affect your teaching design (ACAD framework).
  • Two elements that you would include in your PLE to continue learning about this specific element


From your point of view, what are the 4 more important concepts that we have explored during this course (2 theoretical and 2 technological). From each one of those, please:

  • Create a short definition that makes them clear (min 100 words, max 400)
  • Make an example of using it or contextualize it in a case (the clearest you explain the case -details- the better).


(Maximum 2 minutes in total, 1 minute of video for each answer, and each answer would have a maximum grading of 1 point)

Please answer the two following questions:


Answer with a reflection about these three aspects:

  • What is the mark you earn?
  • What is the most important role you have performed in this course?
  • What is the most challenging role you have performed?


What are the key elements of this course that you would like/should include permanently on your PLE?


The exam will be presented in a video format. The video will be upload to an online streaming video service (as YouTube or Vimeo) and will be published under a Creative Commons License.

The video could be adapted to the format that you decide (creativity is very welcome) but be sure that you take into account -carefully- all the assessment criteria included in the assessment rubric.

In order to guarantee that all the ideas you express on that video would be perfectly understood by your teacher, and minimize the impact of wrong pronunciation or sound, please write down the content of the whole video in a text document (ONLY with the content of the video) and upload it to the internet in pdf format (no other formats will be corrected).

Assessment guidelines:

The exam will evaluate the course’s competencies. Consequently, the rubric will be closely followed, and incomplete, or partially correct answers cannot be considered.

Criteria Poor Enough Good Excellent
Content The answer does not include ALL the theoretical elements requested or are included in a too superficial way or without doing any relationship between them. The video content includes and makes the relationships between all the theoretical elements requested, but in a superficial or just in a descriptive way. The video content includes and makes the relationships between all the theoretical elements requested, in a dialogical way[1]. The video content includes and makes the relationships between all the theoretical elements requested in a socio-critical way.
Originality ANY part of the video’s content includes (literally) words from another resource (from the Internet or included in the work of any course-mate). The video content includes some phrases from other authors but are correctly referenced. The video content includes some phrases from other authors but all of them are correctly referenced, and always remarking the relationship with your own opinion. The video content includes only your own reflections but in these you have included, as in a dialogue, ideas from other experts, correctly referenced.
Video style The video consisting of a voice-over with some (few) still images appearing and disappearing on the screen. The video takes advantage of the audiovisual character of the media.
Language skills Pronunciation, speech fluency and the use of grammar and typos in the exam are neglected. Recurring grammatical errors are reflected in the same way in the text document.

It is complicated to understand the video discourse due to the low volume of voice, inadequate speed or a generalized wrong pronunciation.

Pronunciation, speech fluency and use of grammar and typos in the exam are not excellent, but speed, volume and pronunciation are enough good for following the video discourse.

There are recurrent errors in some of them, although it is evident that there is an effort to make speech fluent that sometimes leads to some error.  However, in the text document those details have been corrected and grammar and spelling is taken care of.

Pronunciation, speech fluency and use of grammar and typos in the exam are not excellent, but speed, volume and pronunciation are enough good for following the video discourse.

It is evident that there is an effort to make speech fluent that sometimes leads to some mistake. The text document grammar and spelling are good.

Pronunciation, speech fluency and use of grammar and typos in the exam are perfect.

The speed, volume of voice and pronunciation are enough good for following the video discourse without any difficulty.


[1] Please remember theory about reflections to learn.

Para algo más de contexto:

Mi propuesta didáctica Castañeda, L. (2019) Formación inicial del profesorado en el uso educativo de la tecnología, una propuesta curricular. Quaderns Digitals, 89. 1-49.

La crónica del examen del año pasado del que hablo en el vídeo:

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