Since last February I have had the immense pleasure of accompanying Ximena Forero, professor at the Faculty of Communication and researcher at the University of Antioquia (Colombia) on her research stay at the University of Murcia. Yes, as you read, she did her pre-doctoral research stay at UM in the middle of the CoVid-19 pandemic, or at least that was the initial plan. However, as her stay became urgent and the pandemic has been increasingly unpredictable (and tragic), our institutions decided to give the green light to “online visitings”… and what does that mean? Well, this week the stay is over and we decided to do a “final” session and record a video in which we talk a bit about how, why and what an online stay is (just in Spanish unfortunately), we hope you find it interesting, even if it’s just a little bit.
Oh, and dear Ximena, you are always welcome! come back many more times… thanks a lot for “coming”