George siemens, en su blog ha pedido ayuda y ha lanzado tres preguntas que pide a todos los que le oímos, que respondamos.
Como podréis imaginar, yo me apunto a un bombardeo y he dedicado un tiempecito (limitado a 15 minutos) para responder a sus preguntas.
Perdón a todos los que ya aguantáis mi castellano por el destrozo que hago con el inglés también 😉
My answers:
1. Does education need to change?
Definitively. We need a change in the whole concept of formal education. If we think on the needs of our students as people, as students, as citizens, as professional and we think in the needs of our society (in the wide sense of this word) as well, we have to change it.
2. Why or why not?
Because of the current system of formal education only works for very few people, probably, because any educational system works for these few people; BUT there is a very big amount of individuals and communities around the world for whom our system has failed, in the poor countries as well as in the rich ones.
Basically, we expect than education help us to live better in our world (from any perspectives) and give us the minimum “cultural salary” to be happy in our society (in the case of basic education, K-12), and the professional preparation to be suceesful in the society (at any personal level of success). And if we see around us we can see than this is only a wish. It isn’t the reality of the majority of people for many reasons.
In my humble opinion the current system of formal education:
BUT, on the other hand
3. If it should change, what should it become? How should education (k-12, higher, or corporate) look like in the future?
This is more difficult. I don’t know the future and I’m really bad predicting.
It will change for sure, I don’t know if it will change in the direction we need, but if it doesn’t change, may be it will disappear.
If we change on the direction to solve the lacks I have mentioned before (and more than I don’t see, or don’t remember now), may be the school will become a community of learners more than a factory of consumers. A place to think, to explore, to understand, to discuss… It will be part of our PLE, the “formal part”.
It would be local and global, doesn’t differentiate clearly between e-learning and on-site learning , formal, non-formal and informal contexts to learn would be a continuum interrelated explicitly and valuable each other.
May be it wouldn’t change… BUT this is a very pesimistic thought, and education is an optimistic concept. We have to be optimistic.