This October an article has been published in which we take one of the first steps to validate the teaching competence model for the digital world. In this article we translate the original framework (which was justified and proposed by Francesc Esteve, Jordi Adell and myself in two articles in 2018) into English and we also propose a first step in its validation with the good fortune that Professor Sarah Prestridge, from Griffith University, joined our team.
Castañeda, Linda, Francesc Marc Esteve-Mon, Jordi Adell, and Sarah Prestridge. (2021). ‘International Insights about a Holistic Model of Teaching Competence for a Digital Era: The Digital Teacher Framework Reviewed’. European Journal of Teacher Education 0 (0). Routledge: 1–20. Post-print abierto y disponible AQUÍ. 2021_EJTE_Postprint
This validation involved primary and secondary teachers from three different international contexts (Uruguay, Australia and Spain), who were asked about each of the components we proposed in 2018 (Generator and manager of emerging pedagogical practices; Expert in digital pedagogical content; Augmented reflective practitioner; Expert in enriched personal and organisational learning environments; Sensitive to the use of technology from the perspective of social engagement and Able to use technology to expand their relationship with the student’s family and environment). We asked these individuals about their understanding of each of these elements, their views on the relevance of these elements to their teaching and the extent to which they believe they have scope in their school to develop innovative practices related to that element of the model.
The responses were frankly interesting and are explained in the text. As a result of these contributions, and the analysis of them, we not only validated the 6 original elements of the model, but we grouped the elements two by two into three categories that you can see in the following illustration:
There are many more things to work on in this framework… we believe that the framework itself is an opportunity for conversation about what really matters when we talk about teaching at a time like the present, and for that reason alone it is worthwhile. I think we can learn a lot along the way, and we sincerely hope that you will find it interesting to analyse it, or to read some of the work we do on it…
If you want to see the antecedents of the model you can find them in these two publications (only in Spanish I’m afraid):
- Castañeda, L., Esteve, F. y Adell, J. (2018). ¿Por qué es necesario repensar la competencia docente para el mundo digital? RED. Revista de Educación a Distancia, 56.
- Esteve, F. Castañeda, L., & Adell, J. (2018). Un Modelo Holístico de Competencia Docente para el Mundo Digital. Revista Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado (RIFOP), 91(32.1), 105-116.